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V-Ray 7 Build 7.00.01 Free Download

New Features


  • Create a 3ds Max and V-Ray plugins to render Gaussian splatting models
  • Add V-Ray Profiler in V-Ray for 3ds Max CPU
  • Export Chaos Scatter to GeomScatter
  • Support for V-Ray Luminaires
  • Redesign of the Scene Converter and Bitmap Converter UIs
  • Chaos Scatter – introduce Instance Brush
  • Chaos Scatter – Distribution maps
  • Implement Firefly removal algorithm



  • Initial Caustics support


  • Add Freeform region rendering
  • Implement Vignette Layer in VFB
  • Add ability to drag and open a file directly in VFB
  • File format options for file saving from the VFB (for V-Ray Standalone only)
  • Add Image Alpha as a mask option
  • Soft stop in the VFB

V-Ray Lister

  • Add Geometry Tab in V-Ray Lister
  • Add ability to Undo actions in V-Ray Lister
  • Add Include/Exclude column in the VRayLister

Modified Features


  • Add fine-sliding and step-sliding functionality to VFB sliders
  • Refined control over the Strength slider in Chromatic aberration menu
  • Thin lines to indicate fixed layers
  • VFB2 Screen mode to handle values > 1
  • Add exportRegion option to maxScript vrayExportVRScene() command
  • Way to check last Frame Buffer and Render Region size via MaxScript
  • Do not disable LightSelect render elements if there is active LightMix
  • Improve loading performance and memory use of png bitmaps
  • Color space support for lookup layers in the VFB
  • Improve the Curves layer


  • Switch to AVX2
  • Optimize render start time with Scatter
  • Optimize VRayFur’s hair generation
  • Multi-threading “Compiling geometry” for GeomInstancer
  • Switch Windows builds to use vc143 by default
  • Get a basic build of V-Ray standalone without GUI working on Linux Arm64
  • Support QT minimal and offscreen platforms
  • Add USD 0.23.11 for standalone, move USD installation to versioned folders
  • Use Optix 7.6 denoiser API
  • Optimize reading of HDR images
  • Freezing the first several columns for better navigation in VRayLister
  • Scrolling with mouse wheel in the inner scroll not the outer one in VRayLister
  • Bring VRayLister in front when the button is clicked in the V-Ray tab menu
  • ChaosScatter rest pose frame support for animated models and targets
  • Optimize loading performance and memory use of TIFF bitmaps
  • Improve loading performance and memory use of OpenEXR bitmaps
  • Do not export greyed out textures modes when Use system memory is on
  • Update OpenColorIO library to 2.3.2
  • Update LibTIFF to v4.6.0t
  • Small performance optimization for distance tex calculations
  • Remove internal processing for Arch&Design materials
  • The “Save Cryptomatte Separately” option should name the files with the sequence number last
  • Improve the names of the proxy override materials where wireframe shading was exported
  • Add a MaxScript function vrayTransferAutoExposure() that transfers the last computed auto-exposure value to selected camera(s)
  • Improve loading time for V-Ray Proxy using a preview override cache
  • Allow Vector parameters to be overridden from the command line of V-Ray Standalone with the -parameterOverride option
  • Add a warning to Chaos Cloud submit regarding VRaySphereFade which is not supported
  • Export single UVWGenRandomizer in vrscene for VRayUVWRandomizer map used as mapping source to multiple bitmaps
  • Force the render time render element to be stored as 32 bit channel in OpenEXR
  • V-Ray Settings’ “About V-Ray” rollout Qt implementation
  • Implement an algorithm to suppress “fireflies” in the final rendered image
  • Redesigned Scene Converter – add an option to save preferences
  • Support large Gaussian splatting models
  • Add intensity and color multipliers for the Gaussian splatting nodes
  • Profile and optimize Gaussian splat rendering
  • Move all installations to Program Files/Chaos


  • Improve the sampling of bitmaps before transferring them to the GPU
  • Add a “separate folders” option when outputting with “Separate render channels” in V-Ray GPU
  • Add overwrite confirmation for separate VFB render channels in GPU mode
  • Initial implementation of VRayLuminaire for GPU
  • Update the default settings for IPR Rays Per Pixel and IPR Ray Bundle Size
  • Disable Post Effects Rate for Production rendering with Progressive Sampler
  • Remove on-demand mip-mapping Textures Mode from the GPU UI
  • Show Caustics Render Element in the GPU UI
  • Add missing GPU LightSelect support for all light types that we support for rendering
  • Add support for fog color for photon rays
  • Hide Engine choice from the GPU UI
  • Remove Low Priority option from the standalone Device Selector tool


  • Add the improved PRG sky model to VRaySky
  • Set VRaySun shadow bias to 0.02 to match the rest of V-Ray lights

V-Ray Lights

  • List VRayLuminaire in a separate category in V-Ray Lister
  • VRayLister: Add missing parameters
  • Animatable parameters for VRayLight’s Decay rollout
  • Remove “From GI settings” in Dome light parameters


  • Demote errors about unsupported BSDF functions to warnings


  • Disallow connecting OSLMap to VRayOSLOutputSelector


  • Standalone volumetric instancing: Instances self-illumination, scene illumination

V-Ray/V-Ray Bitmap to VRayBitmap converter/V-Ray scene converter

  • Remove the Bitmap to VRayBitmap converter V-Ray menu entry where the redesigned scene converter is available

Bug Fixes


  • Frame sequence does not work if current frame is used and a non-zero frame offset is used
  • High CPU usage at the end of renders which use bucket splitting
  • Disabling the “Generate Render Elements” toggle for Matte objects has no effect on Cryptomatte output
  • Rayserver mode not reading Alembic string attributes
  • OSL textures applied to the VRayExtraTex render element are not correctly exported from 3ds Max
  • OSL and GLSL textures attached to VRayNormalMap bump slot are not exported
  • GLSL shaders attached as bump maps in 3ds Max are not exported properly to vrscene
  • Textures mode is not greyed out when Use system memory is enabled and the rendering has finished
  • Crash when importing render settings if VRay is not the active renderer
  • Incorrect SSS2 contribution in specific scene
  • V-Ray Lister ‘Shadows’ parameter for Photometric and Standard lights is not syncing on multiple selections
  • After installing corona v12 Scatter instances not exported/rendered on GPU with V-Ray 6.2
  • V-Ray Lister does not consider custom column changes after it has been minimized / maximized through its toolbar icon
  • Changing parameters is not synced in V-Ray Lister when multiple cameras or lights are selected
  • Crash on IPR start if VRayDistanceTex map is slotted as environment override
  • VRayUserScalar and VRayUserColor node names are not saved in the scene
  • Cosmos models crash 3ds Max if a value of zero is used in the VRay Proxy scale
  • Invalid symbol for the frame number leads to an infinite loop while submitting to Chaos Cloud
  • Minimized V-Ray Lister is not maximized when pressing its tool icon
  • Crash with VRayLister left open and opening a scene
  • Cosmos browser possibly broken by http_proxy env var and alike
  • Number of redundant errors shown to the user on importing scatter assets
  • Crash on 3ds max scene reset when resetting V-Ray Lister layout
  • BackToBeauty and VRayReflection element broken when using matte object
  • GPU IPR hangs after change when there is a render mask set and Light Cache
  • Crash on IPR start if VRaySky is slotted as environment override in 3ds Max 2025
  • V-Ray Lister is not refreshing on undo operation with lights and cameras which leads to crashes
  • External links in Cosmos More menu do not open in Max 2025
  • 3ds Max OCIO Rules are not properly transferred on export when using max bitmap loader
  • Triplanar mapping is not applied to additional bump of VRayNormalMap in V-Ray Standalone
  • Missing buttons in max.vray default settings preset
  • V-Ray Lister crashes when deleting light which was just made unique
  • The Exclude object is not working with Scattering On Curve
  • Chaos Scatter’s temporal consistency option enabled leads to missing animated distribute-on object
  • Distribution object pivot doesn’t affect the altitude limit distribution in “position independent” mode
  • Crash on undo operation after creating Free or Target camera twice while V-Ray Lister is open
  • Wrong results with standalone command options -imgWidth or -imgHeight and VRayPhysicalCamera Resolution Override
  • Scatter spline offset isn’t exported from max
  • Incorrect preview of animated VRayProxy after frame rate modification
  • Chaos Scatter is not rendered in Standalone when using closed spline as surface scattering with GeomScatter enabled
  • The unpackInstall produces wrong paths for some components
  • Some Start menu shortcuts have command prompt icon instead of the one provided by the tool
  • Chaos Cloud cannot be started from 3ds max on Windows User names with non-latin characters
  • Selected Display options are not remembered when closing VRayLister on different tab
  • Remove the middle mouse click or any other option that allows you to change values in cells with the scroller in VRayLister
  • USD – VRayMultiSubTex with Random by instance ID is not working with Hydra translator
  • GPU IPR resolution is not updated correctly when changing between VRayCameras with Resolution Override and VFB Test resolution enabled
  • Batch render in GPU ignores enabled Resolution Override from picked VRayCamera
  • USD – Crash when deleting UsdStage during IPR
  • VRayLightMtl’s Opacity reads the RGB channel, although the Bitmap’s Mono output is set to Alpha
  • Viewport IPR could not be started again after starting production rendering
  • VFB Test resolution is ignored in GPU with V-Ray Cameras with enabled Resolution override
  • Different results with V-Ray Standalone when VRayEnmeshMod is applied on a scaled base object
  • Adaptive Dome light support for Light Cache ‘From File’ mode
  • VRayBitmap with high res. image is causing long time save compared to 3ds max’s native Bitmap loader
  • TyFlow is not overridden in V-Ray Standalone
  • Discrepancy in Standalone with TyFlow and Light Exclude list
  • Light cache build fails at start of build, crashing V-Ray GPU
  • Image is saved when rendering with Iterative Rendering Mode
  • Restore the ability of standalone to render to tiled OpenEXR files
  • Compiling geometry in V-Ray Standalone with specific scene takes high amount of time
  • Crash when trying to view a certain .vrimg file with File > View image file
  • Artefacts with CPU engine and Dynamic geometry
  • VRayProxy crashes when undoing loaded proxy objects from ‘Mesh file’
  • Polygonal region rendering is using its bounding box on GPU IPR refresh
  • Matte object can be seen on Gaussian splats
  • VRayGaussiansGeom does not render correctly if the renderer color space is ACEScg
  • VRayLister object selection not updated properly after making instanced objects unique
  • GeomScatter MB is not working on animated line
  • GeomScatter MB is not working with animated Transformations
  • VRayProxy preview types edges and faces are showing swapped results
  • Instanced lights with Chaos Scatter differ in V-Ray Standalone (bounding box mismatch)
  • Huge slowdown with alembic with complex hierarchy loaded in VRayProxy


  • Raw RE renders wrong in a combination with Camera exposure and Bucket rendering
  • Artifacts with VRayEnmeshMod and V-Ray Denoiser when we use Planar UVW map
  • Discrepancy in the GPU rendering of Enmesh when using Random Offset if Offset U is set to a negative value
  • Wrong render after the second frame when rendering with VRayBitmap’s Inverse gamma color space transfer function
  • GPU IPR not refreshing properly on deletion of lights and geometry
  • BRDFBump ignores simple values for bump multiplier tex
  • V-Ray GPU fails to load some big textures in parallel
  • 3dsMax Mix map doesn’t work on GPU
  • Specific user’s Clipper is stuck on Building Light Cache
  • One-sided SketchUp geometry does not render with CUDA
  • Pick material and Select object in VFB functionality is not working with V-Ray GPU and RTX engine
  • 3DS max needed to be restarted in order to take the new value of the checkbox
  • Incorrect RawSheenReflection with bucket sampler
  • LightDirect plugin changes light direction with GPU
  • VRaySphere wrong size when scaled (CPU)
  • Investigate slow-to-start scene in V-Ray GPU
  • Bump delta scale parameter has no effect when rendering with GPU
  • The back side of VRayClipper plane is visible in already clipped zone
  • Infinte loop due to transparency and floating point imprecision
  • Solaris/USD: Instances take a long time to compile the scene and a lot of memory to render
  • Using WITH_CUDA_CPU_ONLY=1 causes the render to crash immediately


  • Light multiplier value ranges in LightMix are not equal when compared to ported ones “To Composite”
  • VFB2 Layer tree collapsed state is not updated if resized manually
  • VFB goes black with folders and nested masks
  • VFB moves to another monitor with 4K monitors
  • VFB2 is cleared when using Render mask selected on a loaded vrimg file
  • Crash when pressing the Back mouse button during rendering with V-Ray Frame Buffer
  • The values stored in the extra attributes in VRImg or OpenEXR file for number of raycast is only 32bit and overflows for longer renders
  • Save Cryptomattes Separately does not work with deep ouput
  • SRGB suffix in the VRayBitmap’s name is converted to lowercase srgb and the image renders differently
  • vfbControl commands for follow mouse lock do not work
  • Extra attributes about raycast and primitive count stats are missing from Raw images (EXR and VRImg)
  • Memory leak in IccTransform::createIccTransform
  • 3ds Max crash if the VFB is empty and we click on the Upload button in the Collaboration
  • Crash when saving EXRs with dataWindow=region and Filmic Tonemap correction
  • Lens Effects: Obstacle image not written into the logs
  • IPR takes a lot of time to restart when rendering high resolution with denoiser

V-Ray Lights

  • VRaySun is not considered by Cryptomatte VFB masks
  • IES light near and far decay renders differently than V-Ray Standalone when shape override is used
  • IES light near and far decay renders differently on CPU and export/GPU
  • Crash with VRayColor mode set to ‘Temperature’ when slotted in V-Ray Light with OCIO Color management set
  • Crash on undo operation with VRayIES, VRaySun light, VRayFur, and others when changing parameters
  • Issue with the VrayLight, VRayIESLight and mrAreaLightCustAttrib
  • Crash when creating VRayLight with Viewport shading disabled
  • V-Ray Lights create lines in the Specular render element while set to include mode
  • Light artifacts with VRaySun’s Clouds when Sun is slightly below the horizon
  • Additive GPU memory leak for type Texture Data on animation with sun light

V-Ray Textures

  • tyCache is not considered as an object in VRayDistanceTex with production rendering (CPU)
  • VRayMultiSubTex color swatch is not locked for slots with applied texture and disabled Blend color
  • VRayTriplanarTex does not consider animated Reference Nodes when rendering Production


  • Fit in object space deletes animation keys on VRayEnmesh gizmo
  • VRayEnmeshMod renders the Preview override file


  • MDL materials lost on reload

V-Ray/V-Ray Bitmap to VRayBitmap converter/V-Ray scene converter

  • The scene converter fails when an inf value is found in the Corona Physical Material

V-Ray Materials

  • Creating Refractive materials while using 3ds Max’s color management with a custom OCIO config output inf pixels with VRayDomeLight
  • Color darkening when rendering metals with low reflection roughness and high anisotropy values


  • Bitmap tiling is not taken into account in VRayOSLTex on GPU
  • Crash with camera shaders on CPU
  • Linux Standalone crashes with a user scene


  • V-Ray for 3dsMax and Standalone renders don’t match when SSS translucency uses fully white scatter radius and “fog system units scaling” is ON


  • When changing between VRayCameras with resolution override enabled locked Aspect Ratio gets mixed up
  • Camera FOV changes between certain frames when focus distance parameter is animated
  • Issues when switching from a camera viewport with DOF to a perspective view



  • Crash to desktop when rendering VRayPluginnodeMtl (BRDFCSV mode) on V-Ray GPU
  • UV Noise and Invert alpha do not work correctly in VRayNoiseTex


  • Crash when starting render after changing the Particle Shader ‘Mode’ to ‘Fog’
  • Incorrect “Temperature” channel data range for a specific VDB file
  • Phoenix atmosphere automatically created upon render start when there was a Particle shader in the scene
  • Changing any option in the floating rollout does not affect the options in the regular rollout in 3ds Max until you reselect the Simulator
  • Hide automatically the Phoenix viewport icons when using V-Ray Viewport IPR in 3ds Max
  • Max scene fails to load when a particle texture is added and applied to a shader

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